Trauma Waves
This sweet cupcake turned FOUR yesterday, and we spent some time at his favorite place this morning --
he loves to watch the waves come and go and crash over his little legs.
When he looks out across that great big ocean, I don't think he remembers the life he used to have on the other side of it.
The way he had learn to survive on his own, unsure of who could actually be trusted.
I don't think he remembers feeling lonely or unloved, or bored or maybe sometimes hungry.
But the scars are still there, carried in his little soul across the water,
crashing like waves into our lives.
But this boy, he is a fighter.
We get the privilege of watching him slowly bloom, unfurling little bud by tiny bud,
opening himself up the world around him --
opening himself up to be loved.
This year marks two birthdays with his family and two alone.
Next year, we take the lead.
I like those numbers.
Happy Birthday Ellis A, we love you to pieces!